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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

A picture is just a picture

So I have always kept pictures of my past friends, experiences, trips, etc. Also included: pictures of my past girlfriends. I’ve been dating the same girl for almost six years now and I love her more than anything. However, she says the fact that I keep these pictures hurts her feelings terribly.

I have not had a lot of girlfriends before her and the pictures have no sentimental value as far as the girls are concerned. Basically, they just remind me of my high school days, prom, and stuff like that.

I never look at them -- they are stored in a box in my closet. I just know that one day down the road I will be glad I have them. I imagine showing them to my kids and laughing about how ridiculous I probably look in my tux. Is it fair for her to get so mad at me for keeping these, and to ask me to throw them out?


Anonymous said...

Wow. You are right bro? No question.

Anonymous said...

Pictures are ok as long as you have them out of sight. If they cant handle the pictures in a storage box, you should really reevaluate your relationship. From what people tell me, relationships are built on trust.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it has anything to do with trust. It's that weird feeling of "What did he have with them?" or wondering if there's a significance of that picture other than just remembering that era. I have to be honest about this problem though. I have been with my significant other for 7 years and I get really jealous when I see his old box of letters/pictures like that. But for some reason, I don't care that he keeps up with old girlfriends through email or Facebook. I know that that is not rational, but if I were the girl in this relationship, I wouldn't like it either. She's not worried about the pictures because of a trust issue (are you really going to get back with that girl you dated in 9th grade??), but she also wants to know that you don't wish yourself back to those times or those girls when y'all are fighting or whatever. Because those relationships were probably a heck of a lot easier than this one is now, and it's easy to remember the good times (even if you were immature and dorky) and think more of those relationships than there ever was. Just consider your lady's feelings. She's not untrusting, maybe she needs to feel more secure in your relationship or more commitment.

Anonymous said...

Well im sure she didn't ever want you to throw them out... see coincidentally I've been dating a guy for almost 6 years too... wierd... and he kept pictures of all his exes in a little box on top of his dresser (not stored away) and mixed pictures of me in there with them!!! can you believe that??? Now, if you did that then you are definitly in the wrong. Don't be stubborn. If you've repeatedly been asked to get them out of your room then do so before it becomes a huge fight... it's not worth it and it's not like it's going to inconvience you

PS. your kids are not going to want to see pictures of your old highschool girlfriends... and if they do, pull out your yearbooks

Anonymous said...

I have to admit I think having pictures of exes on your dresser is different from keeping them boxed up in storage.

Anonymous said...

It seems like you care more about these pictures than your girlfriend's feelings.