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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Anonymous shanonymous

So I submitted a little spat that my lovely girlfriend and I had to a very wonderful site called Couples Court. Needless to say, the fight was so specific that she knew it was me. Now the little smelly face won’t stop anonymously posting things about how I was wrong and then denying it. Aren’t relationships supposed to be built on trust? I guess I should just cut my losses, huh?


Anonymous said...

OUCH. All I can say is I hope you're right that it was your girlfriend -- and not a slew of people taking her side.

Anonymous said...

Well, you already knew she thought you were wrong, so surely you aren't upset if she says that. That's what the fight was about - you thought you were right and she thought otherwise. Though she shouldn't bother denying it unless she really didn't post that stuff. Yes, relationships should be built on trust but don't blow this out of proportion. If it comes to the point where you're going to end a perfectly good relationship over such an insignificant argument, swallow your pride. You won't regret losing the fight, but you will probably regret losing her.